Corporate Programs
For organizations that want to be an industry and global leader in Employee Enrichment and Fulfillment.
I support in the creation, development and implementation of Strategies, Structures and Programs that fuel audacious business cultures.
This non-financial benefit speaks to the growing desire among employees, especially Millennials, to work for employers who invest in their lives beyond just their workstation. That might explain why the number of companies that allow their employees to bring their dog to work has been increasing significantly.
Employees who work in dog-friendly offices report that they are:
Happier -- endorphins are released by your brain when you pet a dog.
Less Stressed -- petting a dog is scientifically proven to lower your heart rate.
Less sick, physically and mentally -- dog owners take more frequent exercise breaks with their dogs, getting exercise themselves, and more Vitamin D through sunlight.
More Creative and Co-operative -- people work better in groups when there are dogs around.
More Social -- co-workers are more likely to approach someone with a dog, facilitating introductions and communication among colleagues.
Willing to work longer hours -- employees are not restricted by 'doggy day care' hours, or having to go home to let their dog out for a potty break or companionship.
Valued -- what matters to employees is also a priority to the company.
If you want to start offering your employees the benefits associated with bringing their dog to work, or if your company already welcomes canine co-workers, I can help with what you need, to successfully integrate dogs in the workplace.
Why choose me to help design your Canine Co-Workers Strategy? I have a unique combination of training experience, leading engaging and effective training sessions for both dogs and people. I am formally trained in Adult Education Principles, Instructional Strategies & Design, and Content Development. I will use my professional experience, having worked within Organizational Learning & Development, to help your teams gain confidence and create success for themselves and your company. Get in touch with me for more detailed information about my background and CV.
My experiences have taught me the value of a clear organizational strategy, comprehensive on-boarding procedures and strong support resources. Dogs thrive with clarity, consistency, and guidance from confident humans. Creating your customized Canine Co-workers Policy, will help ensure that you are setting all your teams up for success.
I come to you - your offices, your lunch rooms, your boardrooms, your employee's desks - wherever your employees and canine colleagues work, I make it work.
Full needs assessment; consultation with all stakeholder groups, at all organizational levels.
Custom Strategy development based on your company's unique goals.
Policy build-out; associated documentation (can include canine approval documents, On-Boarding paperwork).
Employee enrollment
Training sessions:
for humans - teaching humans how dogs communicate, how to understand and read dog body language and energy.
for dog & owner teams - focus on the dynamics of dog interactions.
Group sessions
One-to-one coaching
Continuous Program assessment and optimization.
Personalized support resources for humans and canines.
Complete Office Program
As Much or As Little as You Need
Select only the elements you want help with.
I can lead all aspects, or I can train your in-house teams (HR, People Teams, Facilities etc.) so you have internal experts!
Not sure where to start? That's OK.
Your company exists to do what you do best. Let me do what I do best, and your employees can focus on executing your company vision, with some awesome dogs on your team.
Group Sessions
Empower your employees, your colleagues, your friends, your children and yourself with knowledge and strategies, to deal with real-life situations involving dogs.
Learn how to read a dog's body language, what to look for, and how to correctly communicate the message that you want to a dog.
Increase confidence, and decrease misunderstandings between people and dogs.
Group Sessions are Ideal for:
Parents' Groups - new moms & dads, and moms-to-be
School Groups & Clubs - all ages, including adults
Delivery Drivers
Retail Employees - stores and organizations that welcome visits from dogs
Parks Dept. Staff
Doggy Daycares & Dog Walkers
Topics can include:
What does a dog that is safe, look like? Signals from a dog, including their body language and energy, can tell you a lot about their state of mind. (Ex. Does this dog want to be pet right now? Is this dog friendly or just excited?
How to introduce your baby or child to a dog.
How to introduce your dog to other people, children, and dogs.
Have you had a negative experience with a dog? Do you experience fear, anxiety, nervousness around dogs? Do you want to create a different association?
Do you have allergies to dogs? Learn how to communicate with dogs at a distance.
Your Group Session can cover any topics that you want. It can be dog friendly, or dog free. I design your ideal Session based on the needs of your group.